a cut of a 2-hours livestreaming performance at the lavatory of a
turkish/kurdish restaurant in vienna
bilingual turkish/english
topic: turkey and the rest of europe
during the performance the very narrow lavatory of the restaurant was completely
crowded. the turkish speaking participants who did radio for the first time in
the end actually had become the moderators of the show.
the german speaking participants where not allowed to speak german to mirror the
fact that in the globalized world we increasingly have to manage our existence
as tourists and foreigners.
more info on http://www.kein.org/keinwiki/WetInterviews
artists: www.neuemethode.de, www.dildos-in-arms.de
download from http://www.neuemethode.de/wet-interviews-endmix.ogg
or http://radioswap.ulb.ac.be/get.php?id=001pr569 (you need to be logged in)